Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad

Leaving Town on the first train of the morning for Silverton - departing the station (left) and crossing Main Avenue (right)  - PHOTOs Malcolm McCrow

Passing Durango Soaring Club at Val-Air Gliderport, 3 miles from Durango (left);  road overbridge (right)  - PHOTOs Malcolm McCrow

Generally there are not conflicting workings, but on this occasion a special train had been organized for a group of rail enthusiasts from the UK  - PHOTOs Malcolm McCrow
The San Juan Forest (left) and the Animas River far below (right)  - PHOTOs Malcolm McCrow

As the train crosses the Animas, the blowdown valve is opened to clear sediment which accumulates on the bottom of the boiler - PHOTOs Malcolm McCrow

The Animas River at Tank Creek - PHOTOs Malcolm McCrow

After taking water at Tank Creek the train continues along the banks of the Animas  - PHOTOs Malcolm McCrow
The passenger cars are fitted with sash windows which open from the bottom and make photography awkward  - PHOTOs Malcolm McCrow
The consist of both trains includes an open car.  The open cars are roofed and have seats which must pre-booked  - PHOTOs Malcolm McCrow
Crossing Mineral Creek girder bridge (left) before running through Durango Depot where the trains are greeted by a member of staff in period costume (right)  - PHOTOs Malcolm McCrow
After passing the depot the train swings round to the left and runs down the street into Silverton  - PHOTOs Malcolm McCrow
Although reminiscent of Western movies, the original track stopped at the depot and trains did not enter town.  The track was extended to save tourists having to walk into town -  PHOTOs Malcolm McCrow
On this occasion, 25 September 2008, the second train was double headed all the way through to Silverton  PHOTOs Malcolm McCrow
The second train from Silverton reverses onto the wye while the pilot engine has just come down from town (left).  After turning the train round on the wye the locomotive propels it back into the street (right)  - PHOTOs Malcolm McCrow
It has started to rain as the first train heads out of town and back to Durango  - PHOTOs Malcolm McCrow


Rail Tour:  Silverton